3DEgo: 3D Editing on the Go!
(ECCV2024 Accepted)

1University of Centra Florida 2Wayne State University 3Miami University
*Equal Contribution


We introduce 3DEgo to address a novel problem of directly synthesizing photorealistic 3D scenes from monocular videos guided by textual prompts. Conventional methods construct a text-conditioned 3D scene through a three-stage process, involving pose estimation using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) libraries like COLMAP, initializing the 3D model with unedited images, and iteratively updating the dataset with edited images to achieve a 3D scene with text fidelity. Our framework streamlines the conventional multi-stage 3D editing process into a single-stage workflow by overcoming the reliance on COLMAP and eliminating the cost of model initialization. We apply a diffusion model to edit video frames prior to 3D scene creation by incorporating our designed noise blender module for enhancing multi-view editing consistency, a step that does not require additional training or fine-tuning of T2I diffusion models. 3DEgo utilizes 3D Gaussian Splatting to create 3D scenes from the multi-view consistent edited frames, capitalizing on the inherent temporal continuity and explicit point cloud data. 3DEgo demonstrates remarkable editing precision, speed, and adaptability across a variety of video sources, as validated by extensive evaluations on six datasets, including our own prepared GS25 dataset.

3DEgo offers rapid, accurate, and adaptable 3D editing. It completes scene creation in just 8-12 minutes, bypassing the need for original image initialization and COLMAP poses. This ensures compatibility with videos from any source, including casual smartphone captures like the Van 360-degree scene. The above results identify three cases challenging for IN2N, where our method can convert a monocular video into customized 3D scenes using a streamlined, single-stage reconstruction process
Our method, 3DEgo, streamlines the 3D editing process by merging a three-stage workflow into a singular, comprehensive framework. This efficiency is achieved by bypassing the need for COLMAP for pose initialization and avoid- ing the initialization of the model with unedited images, unlike other existing approaches.
Qualitative comparison of our method with Instruct-NeRF2NeRF (IN2N) and Instruct-GS2GS (IG2G).


  author    = {Umar Khalid and Hasan Iqbal and Azib Farooq and Jing Hua and Chen Chen},
  title     = {3DEgo: 3D Editing on the Go!},
  year      = {2024},
  eprint    = {2407.10102},